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KARL STORZ VentureONE Pte. Ltd.
10 Anson Road #34-14 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Place of Business: Singapore
Commercial Register (UEN): 202215298G
Phone: +65 9181 2691
Email: contact@ks-ventureone.com
Managing Director: Stephan Abele

KARL STORZ VentureONE Germany GmbH
Parkring 3 | 85748 Garching/ Germany
Place of Business: Garching near Munich
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 277087
USt-Ident.: DE355616302
Phone: +49 162 2820634
E-mail: contact@ks-ventureone.com
Managing Director: Lars Christian Bödeker

Unlimited Partner:

Dr.-Karl-Storz-Straße 34
78532 Tuttlingen/Germany
Place of Business: Tuttlingen
Commercial Register: Stuttgart HRA 450442
VAT-ID-No.: DE 142931059
WEEE Reg.-No.: DE 74465858
Phone: +49 (0)7461 708-0
Fax: +49 (0)7461 708-105
E-mail: info@karlstorz.com

KARL STORZ Verwaltungs SE
Dr.-Karl-Storz-Straße 34
78532 Tuttlingen/Germany
Place of Business: Tuttlingen
Commercial Register: Stuttgart HRB 762524

Managing Director: Karl-Christian Storz
Chair of the Supervisory Board: Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz